If I do not have food in my stomach constantly I am sick. SICK SICK SICK! This does not work well with me, as I have a shit ton of work to do. I have to finish up the amazing job that Matt has done packing up my apartment, figure out how to make $1,000 in less than two weeks, find a job, paint my living room and bathroom back to vanilla, schedule utility transfers... bla bla bla. I am realy freaking out about the no job thing. I have just spent the last of my bill money on my bills. I am caught up until September, where the vicious cycle eats it's own head. I am hoping that someone gets their head out of their ass and hires me. I am a fantastic worker, I always show up, I bust my butt to get things done and get them done right. Everyone should want to hire me.
Gryphon is at his grandparents meeting his new cousin. He will be back on Saturday, and I have to say that after our vacation, the break is nice. Parker is back in school, which she needed. She is such a creature of habit that school is perfect for her. Her speech has jumped by leaps and bounds. She talks like a 3 year old now. She has gotten a haircut and is so adorable I can't stand it! Gryphon is so big it's scary. He has mastered riding his bike without training wheels, and is practicing riding with one hand, and while not at the same time he also rides standing up. Ahhh the milestones of bike riding. Today is Parker's bike day at school. I wish I could go and watch her, but she knows what color, make, and model my car is so I would be busted.
She also knows and points out at every opportunity who Abe Lincoln is and on which monetary pieces he is located. She is learning George WashingHAM. Ahhh to hear her say it is so cute. I think she needs some presidential flash cards.
Soon I turn 33. BAH! What accomplishments do I have to show for this? I have two wonderful children. I think I need to get to work on some accomplishments. I think I should work on trying to take classes or something to further my education. ugh ok ok. the embryo is suggesting I eat
or feel it's wrath!
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